To not give up meeting together is a command of Scripture. Furthermore, Jesus promises that where two or three are gathered together in His name, there He will be present among them.
If you are looking for true Christian fellowship and meaningful worship, there is always room for you in the life of Hosensack Church. We have a beautiful, historic building in which to worship, but ultimately the church is people – people who have a personal faith in Jesus Christ, people who recognize the authority of the Bible, people who love Christ and want others to come to love him, too. We all need to grow in God's grace and we invite you to join us as we endeavor to do so.
Join us at 10:30 am on Sunday mornings for fellowship and worship. We also have regularly scheduled activities for adults and children to grow in the grace of God and to be empowered to serve others in His name.
Hosensack Church observes the various seasons of the church year, such as Advent, Lent, Pentecost, etc. We find great meaning in this annual retelling of God's plan of redemption. Special events like the annual Hanging of the Greens Service, the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, the Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service, and the Easter Sunrise Service are well-loved.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion is offered every other month. In keeping with the long established tradition of our denomination, communion is taken kneeling at the rail. The baptism of infants of believing parents and adult believer baptism is also practiced, but we will provide a child dedication for those who might prefer that.
Our worship tends to be traditional, but we do endeavor to incorporate contemporary elements as we are able. Every Sunday is like a joyous family reunion as we worship and fellowship together.
Periodically, we enjoy worship and fellowship opportunities with local churches in the Zionsville Area Ministerium. These would include an annual Thanksgiving Eve Service, Lenten programs, and yearly pulpit exchanges.