Our mission as a congregation is well summarized in the motto of our denomination, The Evangelical Congregational Church. Quite simply we are called as followers and disciples of Jesus Christ “To Know Christ and To Make Him Known.”
That motto well defines our goal as a local Christian congregation. We endeavor in all we do to come to know Christ more fully. This process starts when one gives his or her life to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. It continues, then, as we participate in the life of Christ’s Church. Christian fellowship is not so much about meeting a social need in our lives, our desire for meaningful interaction with other people, but to meet the
spiritual need of growing into maturity in Christ. Therefore, everything we do centers around coming to know and become more like Christ.
Our worship service is the central focus of the week when we gather to praise God and encounter him through the ministry of Word and Sacrament. Our journey in discipleship continues with the various Bible studies, children’s programs, and other activities through which we desire to encourage each other and strength our faith and level of commitment to Jesus Christ.
The second part of the E.C. motto talks about making Christ known. This goes back to some of the last words that Jesus shared with his disciples prior to returning to heaven when he called them to go out into all the world to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything he had commanded them. As Jesus’ disciples here and now today we have inherited this commission, this divine mandate to preach the gospel so that all people might have the opportunity to come to salvation through saving faith in Jesus Christ. In all our teaching and preaching we desire to present everyone with God’s great plan of salvation and provide the opportunity for them to place their faith and trust in Jesus Christ.
We desire our church to be a place where everyone can feel the warm embrace of God’s love and hear the gentle call he gives for each and every one to enter into the joy of the Father’s Kingdom. We also desire our congregation to reach out to the community at large and to share the love of God in word and in deed.